"I'm a bit of a visionary"Paces around the room"I think what X is trying to say is...""Why don't you summarize again for everyone else?""What are the 'next steps'?"
"You did a great job on that, X."
Showing their in the position to judge and condescend.
"Will this scale?""I don't need the details.""How can we productize this?"You might be right"
Translates percentages into fractionsAsks the presenter to go back a slidePEOPLE TRYING TO LOOK SMART IN MEETINGS BINGO
(free square)
Encourages people to "take a step back""We need to wrap our heads around this."
"Please get back to us on this"
Making someone else do the work and report back.
"Well, thease are the facts."Nods while pretending to take notesRepeats what someone else said, but very slowlyDraws a Venn diagram
"Sorry, I was multitasking."Steps out for a phone call"At the end of the day...""Let's just get to the bottom line.""I used to think that, too."

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