Defense | Drill[ing] | Baghdad | [William] Ayers | Walking the walk / Talking the talk |
Job[s] / Job Creation | Resolution | al Qaeda | Crisis | Bush |
Education | Nuclear Power | 2008 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES BINGO (free square) | Science | Climate Change |
Keating [5] | Transparency | Middle Class | Maverick | Bailout |
Obama | Surge | Reform | Terrorists / Terrorism | Bipartisan |
Reform | Arizona | Iraq | Pakistan | McCain |
Economy / Economic | Keating [5] | Sanctions | Spending | Senator / Senate |
Republicans | Strategy / Strategic | 2008 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES BINGO (free square) | Health Care | Afghanistan |
Election | Obama | President[tial] | 9/11 | Troops |
Earmark | Debt | al Qaeda | Regulation[s] | Security |