Takes a punch and spits bloodWears a suit to a fightGrowlsDies then comes back to lifeCauses an explosion with his fists
Has a suspect accentSurvives a fall from a great heightHits a woman then kisses herWorks out but not in a gymDoes something insignificant in slow motion
Says something in a gruff voiceGlares at an ethnic minorityJASON STATHAM CLICHE BINGO
(free square)
Survives an epic car crashDoes a one leg fly kick
Walks calmly from an explosionMaintains perfect stubble without shavingDrives a car aggressivelyTakes a kick and spits bloodHolds a gun sideways
Framed for a crime he didn't commitIs an outcastDisobeys the rulesKnocks someone out with one punchTakes on an entire army and wins with his fists

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