Trumpkin Bingo!

How to play:

Visit Trumpkin Bingo and print one copy of this game card for each player, refreshing the page before each print, or have the players print their own bingo cards. These instructions will not be printed. You can also select an embeddable card only version of the game or a multiple card version of the game when playing on line, or with a smart phone.

Click/Mark each block when you see or hear these words and phrases. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "TRUMP 2016!". Or play as a drinking game and for every block you mark off, take a sip, and finish your drink each time you get five blocks in a row.

"The women he insulted had already insulted him""We need a Trump militia"Flings ableist slurs at his political opponents"You're hired!""Trump just wants to keep the country safe"
"He said something that reminds me of you, I'm surprised you don't like him"*Thinks Donald Trump is some kind of god that can "fix" individual human beings*"Show me where he said/did that""He didn't say that, you're making it up""Sure he needs work on his presentation, but you *can't* deny what he's saying"
"If a woman is Anti-Trump, don't sleep with her""So you're going to vote for the criminal because Trump said mean things?"TRUMPKIN BINGO
(free square)
Insults the looks of his political opponents*on a seemingly unrelated article* "This is why we need Donald Trump"
*Brings up Hillary's emails*"Only a Trump presidency will save America""We need a businessman to run our country""Cuck(s)"*Assumes that just because you can't stand Trump, you must be a suck-up for Hillary*
"He's just saying what everyone else is afraid to say""He didn't say/do that, that's just Anti-Trump propaganda""Can't stump the Trump!""I'm tired of all this political correctness bullshit!""All aboard the Trump Train"