Turn on the TV in your bathroom mirrorCatch Dr. Sosnowchik "scatting" on videoSomeone poops on the busSomeone forgets a part of his or her uniformLaugh at one of Dr. Henderson's jokes
Someone leaves smelly trash on the busThrow a paper airplaneComplete the CMB CrosswordWear your shirt like a capeTake your hat off for the Pom Squad
Play "Fanfare Short""One more time"BOARD BUSES
(free square)
Shake hands with an OSU fanComplete the CMB Word Search
Set your alarm for Saturday morningSing "Spain"High five a person who brought a Bullet Pillow PetDance with a baritonistApplaud someone for being late
Make a Pokemon punUse the stairs at the hotelConnect to Village Tours WiFiWear an Omnihotel robeMock a snare drummer for playing when he or she shouldn't be