Virtual / Virtualization | Return on Investment (ROI) | Challenge[s] | Time to Market | New Economy |
Out Source | Proactive | Streamline | Heavy lifting | Critical Path / Issue |
Eyeballs | Market Window | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Control Group | Back-end |
Expectations | Customer Facing | Red Flag | Promotion | Negotiated |
Go Live | Reuse / Reusability | Asset[s] | Scenario[s] | Braindump |
Empower[ment] | Bandwidth | Ecosystem | Capacity | Out of the [Box | Loop] |
Measurement | Sustainable / Sustainability | Intellectual Property | Up-Sell | Team Player |
Automated | Paradigm | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Targeted | Seamless |
Action Item / Action It | Agenda | Big Picture | Advantage | Lead The Field / Occupy The Field |
High-Level | Innovation / Innovated | Flexibility | Brand[ing] | Leverage |