No-Brainer | Bandwidth | Revisit | Total Quality [or] Quality Driven | Customer Service |
Experiences | Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) | Robust | Gap Analysis | On Board |
Resource[s] | Intellectual Property | BULLSHIT BINGO (free square) | Technologies | Issues |
On the back end | Tailwind[s] | Cascade Graph | Reswizzle | Ball Park |
Target Audience | Reach out | Discovery | Competitive | Traction |
Opportunity | Market Leader | Out Source | Initial Assessment | Elevator pitch |
Objectives | Challenge[s] | Mind Share | Perspective | Target Audience |
Solution(s) | Capacity | BULLSHIT BINGO (free square) | Business Plan | Promotion |
Connectivity | Walk the Talk | Transformative | Scope | Negotiated |
Pipeline | Expectations | Performance | Reinvent[ing] the wheel | Diversity |