But you're so smart!I said I didn't want kids when I was young, but I changed my mind.Your child could cure cancer!You must have had a horrible childhood.Oh, well, you never know. "Accidents" happen
You must be a very sad person.Who will take care of you when you're old?You don't love your partner if you won't give him/her children.Just wait until you have kids of your own.I feel so sorry for you. You're missing out.
Children are our future!Someday you'll meet someone who'll change your mind.BABY BINGO
(free square)
Your children would be so beautiful/smart/talented!What do your parents think about no grandkids?
You were a child once!You don't know what love is until you have a child.You're just bitter and hateful.It's unnatural not to want to have children.You'll change your mind once you have one.
It's all worth it in the end.You'll regret it when you're older.The best thing in the world I ever did was have kids.It's different when they're your own!Childbirth is a woman's greatest achievement!

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