You must have had a horrible childhood. | It's unnatural not to want to have children. | But you'd make such a good parent! | You don't love your partner if you won't give him/her children. | What if your parents thought the same way? |
You should have a kid. Your race isn't having enough kids. You'll be outnumbered! | It's not a real family if you don't have children. | But you're so smart! | I said I didn't want kids when I was young, but I changed my mind. | You don't know what love is until you have a child. |
Childbirth is a woman's greatest achievement! | Oh, well, you never know. "Accidents" happen | BABY BINGO (free square) | You're just selfish. | It's all worth it in the end. |
Being a parent is the most important job in the world! | Your child could cure cancer! | You're just bitter and hateful. | My kids are the most important thing in my life! | You were a child once! |
You'll regret it when you're older. | How can you live with yourself? | Just wait until you have kids of your own. | You'll change your mind once you have one. | Someday you'll meet someone who'll change your mind. |